Creating Positive Credit History.
A Credit Score Built With Pride
The phase most credit counselors won’t tell you about!
Credit Karma suggests that you should have around 21 accounts to be considered for perfect credit.
Payment History
Under 97% on time payments results in the absolute lowest category in the Payment History credit factor.
If you carry a total balance of over 25% of your credit limit, it may hurt your credit score considerably.
Let’s Make Things Happen
Get one step closer to Credit Mastery. Let us analyze your situation.
“The Axx Financial credit program is not just a one solution option. It is a massive domino effect of information, decisions, solutions, and opening doors that will lead you to a more successful future. My repaired credit led to a fresh start, which then led to more options, which then led to security, which then led to saving money in interest, which led me to leveraging debt to invest, which led to various business opportunities, it goes on and on!”
George Gonzalez
Digitalbox CEO